judge holding gavel

Do I Need a Child Abuse Defense Attorney?

judge with gavelUnfortunately, reports of child abuse often occur in family law cases. If you are accused of abusing your child, you might be trying to determine the best way to proceed. With so much on the line, having someone on your side who can help clear your name is crucial. Therefore, the first step to ensure your rights are protected is to hire a child abuse defense attorney with experience handling cases like this.

What a Defense Attorney Can Do For You

Reports of child abuse are taken very seriously in court. If a parent is falsely accused of abusing their child, the judge will take extreme caution to determine whether the allegations are true or false. This means an investigation will be opened by the Missouri Department of Social Services Children’s Division to assess the accuracy of the allegation. You must have an attorney to help you clear your name during this investigation.

With the assistance of a defense attorney, you will gather relevant evidence for your case. Even if you think that all of the evidence will point to you being not guilty, it’s essential to consult with a lawyer. An experienced attorney can help you obtain statements from family members, co-workers, friends, or neighbors willing to testify about your parenting abilities. A criminal defense lawyer will be able to review the facts of your case and help you create a well-thought-out plan of action moving forward.

Contact Rutter and Sleeth Law Offices if You Have Been Falsely Accused

False allegations of child abuse can significantly impact your life and your rights as a parent. A Columbia family law attorney with experience handling cases of false abuse claims will understand the legal issues and the Missouri family law system involved in your case. At Rutter and Sleeth Law Offices, we will do everything possible to get the best possible outcome.

Contact Rutter and Sleeth Law Offices today if you need legal representation.
